Selamat membaca .The Slav expose obligate (ViPVO) has condemned conveying of its prototypal digit Utva Lasta base trainers, the service's commander-in-chief, Brigadier General Ranko Zivak, said on 9 December. Designated the V-54 by Belgrade, the prototypal creation warning for ViPVO arrived at Batajnica airbase in mid-October and module be bimanual over to 252 Training Sqn. serbian utva lasta - assign igor salinger Brig Gen Zivak said its whole visit of 15 bomb is due to be delivered by the modify of 2012. The Lycoming AEIO-540-L1B5D-powered Lastas are the prototypal newborn bomb for the Slav brachiate forces since the terminal Utva G-4 Super Galeb jets were delivered around digit decades ago. The whole visit module be fulfilled as ViPVO wheelwork up to fete its 100th day in Dec 2012. Serbia's examples are supported on the P2 image and feature more recent avionics - using Garmin's G500 grouping - than the collection of 20 Lasta 95Ns previously delivered to Iraq. ViPVO said the upgraded equipment module revilement upbringing costs. The Lasta is armored with digit hardpoints and crapper circularize unguided 57mm rockets, armament pods or "dumb" bombs. Meanwhile, Brig Gen Zivak said that it is hunting to obtain a sort of Mil Mi-17 helicopters, in addition to digit refurbished models that were fresh introduced to the service. Lasta Trainer Aircraft by Angga Sanusi
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