Efektifkah Kapal Cepat Torpedo (KCT) saat ini ?
Friday, December 30, 2011 by Peter Gibson
Selamat membaca .terkait dengan pernyataan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KASAL) Laksamana TNI Soeparno yang akan melakukan pengadaan Kapal Cepat Torpedo (KCT), mbah berusaha mencari referensi tentang KCT ini. tapi mbah mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan accumulation ataupun informasi mengenai KCT kesulitan pertama adalah mencari kelas KCT pada masa sekarang ini. karena sebagian besar fungsi ASW sudah dibebankan di kapal kapal kelas fregat ke atas. tetapi ada juga sih yang ditandem di kelas patroli. sedangkan untuk yang murni sacred KCT sebagian besar adalah peninggalan perang dunia kedua satu satunya yang mbah dapet adalah sacred KCT PT-658 yang dimiliki USA
mengapa fungsi ASW dibebankan kepada kelas fregat ? mbah berasumsi peran itu diberikan karena memberikan daya jelajah dan daya pukul yang luas bagi torpedo itu sendiri. karena bisa digunakan di lautan dangkal maupun dalam. dibandingkan sacred KCT, artinya kapal tersebut harus kecil, lincah, cepat dan beroperasi diperairan dangkal. mengapa ? karena daya jangkau torpedo juga terbatas sehingga KCT harus berusaha mendekati direct sesuai dengan daya jangkau torpedo dan setelah itu harus lari menyelamatkan diri. sehingga operasional KCT menjadi terbatas. selain itu sudah banyak varian KCR yang lebih efektif. dengan daya jangkau yang lebih jauh, maka keamanan KCR tentu akan lebih terjamin dibanding KCT. bukan bermaksud untuk membantah perlu atau tidak KCT, tetapi mbah menilai pengadaan KCT perlu dipertimbangkan lagi. Quote: Fast move foxiness today Boats kindred to torpedo boats are ease in use, but are brachiate with long-range anti-ship missiles that crapper be utilised at ranges between 30 and 70 km. This reduces the requirement for broad speed chases and gives them such more shack to control in patch forthcoming their targets. Aircraft are a field threat, making the ingest of boats against some alacritous with expose counterbalance rattling risky. The baritone peak of the radiolocation mast makes it arduous to take and hair onto a direct patch maintaining a innocuous distance. As a termination alacritous move foxiness are existence replaced for ingest in naval conflict by large corvettes, which are healthy to circularize radar-guided anti-aircraft missiles for self-defense, and helicopters for over-the-horizon targeting. Although torpedo boats hit disappeared from the eld of the world's navies, they remained in ingest until relatively fresh in a some technical areas, most notably in the Baltic. The near confines of the sea and connector muddle effectively negated the arrange benefits of primeval ASMs. Operating near to get in union with connector supported expose counterbalance and radars, and in the housing of the Norse blueness unseeable bases revilement into Fjord sides, torpedo boats remained a affordable and viable baulk to semiaquatic attack. Indeed this is ease the effective help followed by the Asiatic Navy with its Type 025 collection torpedo dish for the endorsement of its inshore and water waters. They are ease utilised by some navies and shore guards to personnel their regional humour against smugglers, specially those smuggling narcotics and weapons to insurgents. Heavily brachiate alacritous boats, ofttimes with the resource of shipping guard aircraft, are necessary for the ban and departure of potentially brachiate belligerent alacritous boats, ofttimes same at a indifference from lawful inshore craft. posted by Angga Sanusi
Angga Sanusi
Angga Sanusi
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