New "Super Al Khalid Tank" || AK I & II Main Battle Tank
Sunday, January 1, 2012 by Peter Gibson
Selamat membaca . Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik Upgraded var. of Pakistan's Al-Khalid MBT module presently be primed to deploy. Al-Khalid is together produced by Pakistan and China and is digit of the most confident Tank in the world. The New Al Khalid I & II versions module be denoted "Super Al Khalid" - SAK (Super Al-Khalid I & II) or Al-Khalid â" Upgraded var. is in investigating as of Apr 2009. Incorporates modifications prefabricated to the fire-control system, sensors, IBMS, side-skirts, road pads, auto-loader (rate of blast accumulated to 9 rounds per minute), Slavonic Varta electro-optical jammer (disrupts laser rangefinders, laser designators and anti-tank guided arm chase systems), Sagem third-generation energy imagers and reinforced expose conditioning system. Upgraded newborn Super Al Khalid MBTs with compounding of newborn fit and nonmandatory Explosives Reactive Armor (ERA) crapper resist every famous 120mm and 125mm rounds. Upgrade also includes reinforced sending and electronic platform curb for the Al Khalid Tanks. Tank also offers reinforced endorsement for the NBC (Nuclear, Biological & chemical) warfare. Pakistani Al Khalid Tanks are armored with Integrated Battle Management System (IBMS) and newborn astir threat-protection system. Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) has also accumulated Al Khalid's instrument carrying aptitude and today it module be healthy to circularize 49 125mm HEAT & APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) and Naiza 125 mm DU rounds, 1,500 12.7mm and 7,100 7.62mm rounds. Pakistan's Al Khalid Tank Gets Upgraded Pakistan's Al Khalid Tank, widely thoughtful digit of the most effective Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) in the orbicular blazonry market, has conventional an update, according to GrandeStrategy sources. This newborn edition of Al-Khalid is said to be primed for production, though orders are still to be settled for creation to begin. The Al Khalid II is said to hit a newborn fit that has been proven to finish every famous 120mm and 125mm rounds. This "special" fit is a field subject insight for Pakistan. The cell has conventional a newborn sending and revised electronic platform control. The Al Khalid II or Super Al Khalid (SAK) has a newborn Integrated Battle Management System (IBMS) and astir threat-protection system, the latter existence an raise from the supine grouping in the early model. The cell is today perhaps the most hard weaponized per tariff of some tank, existence healthy to circularize 49 125mm rounds, 1,500 12.7mm and 7,100 7.62mm rounds. Rumors declare that Arabian peninsula is primed to obtain the Al Khalid II but not feat finished with the care because of differences with the semipolitical brass in Pakistan. Rumors also inform that these colligate to the kickbacks demanded by Pakistan's infamously debased President Asif Zardari, nicknamed "Mr.10%". Oleh Shevchenko, Chargé d'affaires Embassy of country has conversant the media that Slavonic companies module takepart in the improvement send of the Al-Khalid important effort cell (MBT) of the Pakistan Army. Oleh poet said, "We module move co-operation in nonindustrial profession for manufacturing expeditionary hardware, prototypal of every in appearance of Al-Khalid Project". Upgraded Al Khalid MBT with compounding of newborn fit and nonmandatory Explosives Reactive Armor (ERA) crapper resist every famous 120mm and 125mm rounds. Upgrade also includes reinforced sending and electronic platform curb for the Al Khalid Tanks. Tank also offers reinforced endorsement for the NBC (Nuclear, Biological & chemical) warfare. Pakistani Al Khalid Tanks are armored with Integrated Battle Management System (IBMS) and newborn astir threat-protection system. Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) has also accumulated Al Khalid's instrument carrying aptitude and today it module be healthy to circularize 49 125mm HEAT & APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) and Naiza 125 mm DU rounds, 1,500 12.7mm and 7,100 7.62mm rounds. Image Why Not acquire Khalid MBT for TNI-AD....posted by Angga Sanusi
Angga Sanusi
Angga Sanusi
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